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Creepers by Edgar J Hyde

Ghost Stories for children aged 7-12

First published in the UK promotional book market in 1997 Creepers has sold over 4 milllion copies in 5 different languages since original publication.

This year at Bologna Book Fair (8th - 11th April 2024) we seek to license the Creepers translation rights to more territories. Meet us in Hall 25, Stand B63 where we share with our Irish partner company, Deirdre Whelan Publishing.

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2024 sees the first new titles added to the series since 2001, with 6 new titles coming in March 2024, making 30 titles in total.

Since 1997 Creepers has been published in 5 languages and in five continents:
USA/CANADA – by Flowerpot Press
Italy – by Mondadori (Edizione Piemme)
Greece – by Kedros
Brazilian Portuguese – by Ciranda Cultural
Russia – by EKSMO
Australia – Hinkler
UK by CCP and Igloo Books.


Il ritorno trionfale di 'Brividosi': Acquisisci i Diritti di una Serie di Successo per il Mercato Italiano!

Abbiamo il piacere di comunicarvi una notizia entusiasmante per l’Italia! Abbiamo riottenuto i diritti per la traduzione in lingua italiana della famosissima serie di libri per ragazzi "Brividosi". Ci potrete trovare nello Stand B63, Hall 25 della Bologna Children’s Book Fair con i nostri partner del gruppo Editoriale-didattico Deirdre Whelan Publishing.

Negli ultimi 20 anni, la collezione, stampata e pubblicata da Edizioni Piemme/Mondadori, è rapidamente diventata una serie bestseller in tutta Italia.

Inizialmente pubblicata nello stesso mercato della serie "Piccoli Brividi" (Goosebumps), "I Brividosi" ha ottenuto notevoli riscontri di originalità e apprezzamento.

I lettori de "I Brividosi" hanno spesso descritto la serie di libri come la "più divertente e paurosa" del suo genere. “Brividosi", anche conosciuto come Creepers nel titolo in lingua originale, è ancora in stampa in vari territori europei e internazionali. Grazie al recente e rinnovato successo negli Stati Uniti, la collezione di libri si è ampliata includendo numerosi nuovi volumi. Composta da 24 titoli, la serie "I Brividosi" si presta come un progetto volto al successo immediato e alla longevità.

Le eventuali case editrici italiane interessate ad acquistare i diritti d'autore possono contattare Bob Smith telefonicamente al numero +447917752713, via email all'indirizzo ,o recarsi direttamente allo stand B63 della Fiera dei Ragazzi di Bologna.

In lingua originale, l'autore di "Brividosi" è chiamato Edgar J Hyde. Come parte dell'accordo originale con Piemme, il nome italiano è stato tradotto in P.P. Strello. Quest'ultimo rimane con la casa Mondadori, come previsto dalla licenza. Coloro interessati a pubblicare Creepers/Brividosi in italiano possono considerare l'utilizzo di un altro nome d'arte o mantenere l'originale Edgar J. Hyde, come in altre edizioni internazionali.


24 proven titles over 4 series | Published in Five Languages | Every publishing territory needs Ghost Stories | Been in print somewhere in the world for over 20 years | The author has written over 40 books for children under various names | Permission to amend text to suit your territory | Our company is registered in the EU and separately the UK

Creepers books consists of 4 published series of ghost stories for children aged 7-12. Each series has six titles. 12 titles new titles will be added this year. In Creepers books, there is a lot of humour as well as frights. And the children are usually much smarter than the adults!

Edgar J Hyde also wrote THE DEAD DETECTIVE series under the name Felix Bogarte. This series will now revert to Edgar’s name in 2024. Edgar J Hyde also wrote MY MONSTER SLEEPOVER series under a different name.

Series 1 Stack of books
how we work

We license the text to you for you to publish in your territory.

When you agree to license Creepers text from us we give you permission to use the text any way you wish. You have permission to change characters’ names to local names in case that helps readers in your territory identify more easily with the story.

With our publishing partners we work on a royalty advance and then annual royalty payments. We are flexible on royalty rates depending on how many copies and how many titles you print on your territory. We are also flexible on the amount of years any publishing agreement will run for.

The biggest UK customers for Creepers were supermarkets, The Works UK retail bookshop chain, and CCP’s own distribution network of 2000 independent outlets from Kiosks to Post offices.

Mondadori (under Edizione Piemme) made a stunning success of Creepers in Italy with the brand name BRIVIDO and under the well-respected Il Battello a Vapore - Piemme Junior imprint.

Ciranda Cultural have had Creepers in print in Brazil for 10 years and still going strong.

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Creepers has sold over 4 million copies over 24 titles in 5 languages over 20 years.

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This year 2024 sees the first new titles being added to the series since 2001, with 12 new titles coming in October 2024.

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We make sure that our publishing partners in other territories have full permission to amend text, storylines, character names, place names etc. We want these titles to work for you, and so we are flexible regarding your requests.

lets talk

Bologna Children's Book Fair, 8-11 April 2024

This year at Bologna Book Fair we seek to license Creepers translation rights to more territories. Meet us in Hall 25, Stand B63 where we share with our Irish partner company, Deirdre Whelan Publishing.

Please email us as creepersbooks@gmail.com
to make an appointment.

email us

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